Sunday, May 20, 2007

Informatica7.1:HIER_28004 XML Reader Error:Could not retrieve a block from the DTM

We use to load almost 2-3 millions data from XML per day.Nowadays we were getting a strange kind of error as in the title.
We have our mechanism which can remove the error HIER_28056.But that mecanism can not solve this error.So many files were failing.I identified that it was happening due to smaller buffer size.I increasec the DTM size and its solved.

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Informatica7.1:What is version control in Informatica7.1

Version Control is a new enhancement in 7.1
It means that you can go back to any of the previous development phase of a mapping or session.

Whenver you are developing a mapping/session it will be in check out mode by itself untill explicitly you have not checked it out.

Some points to remember:-

Version controlling option you need to specify at the time of creation or later.
But once you have choosed you can not revert back yours repository at non-version mode.
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