Wednesday, April 29, 2009

HowToOracle: Tidbits In Oracle

Before Inserting Chinese Character:-

Set the client machine locale to UTF-8.
In Unix
LANG=en_US.UTF-8;export LANG
In Windows:-
chcp 65001

Changing your locale on Windows

Can not see chinese character in my TOAD/SQLPLUS/SQL NAVIGATOR etc

To see that you have to change the NLS_LANG for the oracle client machine (may be your local windows machine or the Unix client; basically where client is installed)

Where to set the NLS_LANG in Windows
[ Taken from nls_lang faq ]

In the Registry:

On Windows systems, you should make sure that you have set an NLS_LANG registry subkey for each of your Oracle Homes:

You can easily modify this subkey with the Windows Registry Editor:

Start -> Run...

Type "regedit", and click "ok"

Edit the following registry entry:

For Oracle version 7:


For Oracle Database versions 8, 8i and 9i:


where "x" is the unique number identifying the Oracle home.

HOME0 is the first installation

For Oracle Database 10g:


There you have an entry with name NLS_LANG

What to change:-
[ Taken from Toad wiki ]

Reset NLS_LANG on your Client machine to AMERICAN_AMERICA.JA16SJIS to view Japanese and AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHT16BIG5 to view Chinese.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

HowToEpiphany:- Added new user,but can not access using thin client

You have added a new user in OM.
But when the user is trying to access epiphany using thin client login error is coming.

Check the credentials of that user in OM again.
If its a NT LM access check for the domain.
If its LDAP access check the details.

And then refresh the OM.


HowToEpiphany:- Can not start OM Service.

You trying to start the service but can not and its says like "Error-1053 The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion".

If windows can not start a service for 3 minutes it will throw error.
Wait and refresh the service.It may get start a bit later.

If it is not starting then
Check the administrative tools-->event viewer logs
Try to find out the error and resolve this.
Possible error may be:-
1/ Scrutiny error.
2/ Database connectivity.
3/ Another instance of weblogic/websphere is running. etc.


HowToEpiphany:- Can not connect from epiphany thin client

You may get error like:-
Message from the ISAPI plugin:

No backend server available for connection: timed out after 20 seconds.

Build date/time: Jun 21 2002
Change Number: 191629

1/ SSA Global OM server is running.
2/ Weblogic/Websphere is running.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

HowToEpiphany: Installing SSA Outbound Marketing In Windows

1. Prepare your database:

2. Prepare your window for OM:-
3. Installing a web server
a. Install IIS.After rebooting Windows, verify that service w3svc (World Wide Web Publishing Service) is set to Automatic. If it is not, set it to automatic using the (right-click) Properties dialog box. IIS does not work properly unless this service is running.
b. Setting web site protection:-
i. Navigate to (Windows) Start > Programs > Administrative Tools >Internet Services Manager.
ii. For each Web site created for use with a different Outbound Marketing instance, right-click and select Properties.
iii. Open the Home Directory tab and set Application Protection to High. If this setting is changed to High (Isolated) from another value, ensure that the change is propagated to all child scripts.
iv. Click OK to save your settings.
v. Stop and restart IIS after completing the above steps for all Web sites intended for use with Outbound Marketing instances

4. Install Oracle client if your OM datamart is not in this machine.
5. Installing the J2EE Application Server
a. Run the installer and follow the prompts displayed in the installer window. Accept the installation defaults or select options to comply with the standards for your enterprise. At a minimum, you must install the WebLogic server Server component. Node Manager is required and is part of the installation, but you do not need to install it as a Windows Service.
b. Install the WebLogic license. Change the name of your new downloaded license file from license.bea to license_new.bea. Run UpdateLicense.cmd license_new.bea. This peration merges the new license with current license, and saves the results in the file license.bea. The new merged file license.bea will be used by Weblogic.
6. Creating a WebLogic Domain
Note: Perform this procedure after installing BEA WebLogic and before
installing Outbound Marketing. To upgrade to the current release of
Outbound Marketing from any previous version, complete this procedure
before using the Outbound Marketing Instance Manager.
a. Start the BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard through one of the following methods:
Windows Start menu:
Start > All Programs > BEA Products > Tools > Configuration Wizard
Windows command line:
\ wlserver_10.0\common\bin\config.cmd
Unix command line:
b. On the Welcome screen, select Create a new WebLogic domain, and click Next.
c. On the Domain Source screen, accept the default (selects Generate a domain configured automatically to support the following BEA Products:), and click Next.
d. Enter an administrative user name and password in the Configure Administrative Username and Password screen, and click Next. Store this information for logging on to the Administrative Console.
e. On the Configure Server Start Mode and JDK screen, do the following and click Next.
i. In the WebLogic Configuration Startup Mode pane, select Development Mode.
ii. Select the Java SDK to use.
In the JDK Selection pane, select BEA Supplied JDKs, and then the installed version of the SUN SDK.
f. On the Customize Environment and Services Settings screen, accept the default and click Next.
g. On the Create WebLogic Domain screen, enter a unique Domain Name. (The default is base_domain.) Do not modify the path information in the Domain Location field.
h. Click Create to complete the process and create the new domain. The new domain is used as a template domain and is not modified by Outbound Marketing.

7. Installing outbound marketing manager:-

The standard software installation (collectively called the Outbound Marketing)
on Windows includes:
- Outbound Marketing Server, an application server that coordinates user requests for data and reports, returns results in HTML format, and supports navigation between EpiCenter Web pages.
- Outbound Marketing Manager, a graphical administrative utility for configuring and managing the data mart and applications. Because the Outbound Marketing Manager runs on Windows, the Oracle configuration scripts are only present in the Windows package.
- EpiChannel, an extraction facility for downloading data from source systems into the data mart.
- Remote Web Server, a link to the installed Web server.
- Other Outbound Marketing components and utilities including language-specific files.
- Outbound Marketing software does not have to be installed on the same computer as the data mart (EpiCenter). However, for DB2, you must catalog the DB2 server on the DB2 client machine, including all of the machines in a cluster prior to installation.The installer automatically installs, or offers to install, the following required third-party software components if they are not already present:
- ODBC and JDBC drivers
- After installing Outbound Marketing software on the server host, install the Outbound Marketing Manager administrative utility on other computers to provide remote access for administrative tasks.

a. Log in under an account that has administrator privileges on the local host.
b. Get the file for the installation. The zip file is available from the Infor Download Center.
c. Unzip the file to C:\\Install (the default directory), or a directory of your choice.
d. Exit all open Windows applications.
e. Make sure you have installed and configured your J2EE application server, Web server, and database management server before continuing.
Note: For the WebSphere Network Deployment application server, be sure the deployment manager and node agents are running before beginning the installation.
f. Verify that you have the Java 1.5 runtime environment installed. If necessary download and install Java 1.5 before continuing.
g. Verify that the World Wide Web Publishing Service is running. If the service is not running, navigate to Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services to start the service.
h. Double-click ominstall.exe in the directory specified in step c
i. A message window prompts you to set JAVA_HOME to Java 1.5 JRE/ JDK, if you have not already set JAVA_HOME.Click OK to close the OM installer. Install Java 1.5 JRE/JDK and set JAVA_HOME. Re-start the OM installer .
Note: If sunjce_provider.jar does not exist at /jre/lib/ext when JAVA_HOME points to a JDK directory, or at /lib/ext when JAVA_HOME points to a JRE directory, then you will see the following error message if you try to install OM:

ERROR: C:\java\jdk1.5.0_11/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar does not exist. Download the file from Sun and try again. Click the OK button in the error window to stop and exit the OM installer. Then, download sunjce_provider.jar from the Sun website, install the file, and try running the OM installer again.
j. Install Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8, if prompted. The installation files and license are included.
i. Follow the screen prompts to install MDAC.
ii. Reboot when prompted.
iii. Restart ominstall.exe. The InstallAnywhere wizard displays the Welcome screen.
Tip: Click Cancel at any time during the installation process to terminate and uninstall any components installed to that point.
k. Click Next. The InstallAnywhere wizard displays Destination Folder screen.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

UnixHowTo:Find version of OS

[abul@abc~]$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.9-34.ELsmp ( (gcc version 3.4.5 20051201 (Red Hat 3.4.5-2)) #1 SMP Fri Feb 24 16:54:53 EST 2006
